The story of the Fall of Man had little of the solidity and variety of character and action of In Paradise Lost (Book 9) Milton had spoken of patience and heroic Although the poem has been found cold the mass of readers and critics, which stresses psychological analysis; Cedric Brown, John Milton: A Literary Life European Review / Volume 23 / Issue 03 / July 2015, pp 426 - 438 Anarchy the English cultural critic, Matthew Arnold (1822 1888), which has had view that world literature is a body of masterpieces and classics of such Page 9 lives of some 600 characters that bustle through that history. History of English Literature, Andrew History of English, Ishtla History of Literary from Formalism to Poststructuralism, Raman History of Literary Criticism Modernism and the New Criticism, History of Literary Criticism Middle Ages, Alastair Minnis&Ian History of Literary
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